Monday, February 27, 2012

The Guest

1:17 AM MST February 27th, 2012 Monday. Tempe (Phoenix Valley), Arizona, United States of America
I had a visiter last week. A guest in my home, a new friend. I tried my best to prepare for her. It is hard with a busy schedule a two year old, a husband, time for me etc. I want to set things how I want them in my head and heart for guests. My parents came for a visit two days after her visit. My Mom is very sensitive to allergens, like I am. I dusted and cleaned. As I was cleaning I thought how do we prepare for guests, friends and family? I try to honor my loved ones by being prepared. Showing them with my acts of service that they are loved and seen that I pay attention if they are glutton intolerant or have allergies. I pray for peace when they visit. Like in the Movie Forrest Gump Jenny rested deeply at his house after such a long journey of many choices. When someone arrives, when a party begins let my home be blessed for them as a place to celebrate, enjoy life, be at peace . I love giving parties. I love people. I love having guests. I use my fine China it does not collect dust and use paper plates if you don't like fine China:).

How do you prepare your hearts, soul and mind for the ultimate guest? How do you clean out the cobwebs the dust mites? You or I will never be perfect but the journey matters, how you serve, how you live. In everthing there is balance do not be overboard, underboard that is too much or too little board :); and be anxious about nothing. Try, you matter you are seen. How you live matters and does affect other people. Clean your soul you cannot get every dust mite but you may be able to prevent an allergy attack on yourself, a relative, a friend, a stranger. Metaphorically and literally you can prevent an attack or a bad way how things can/could go. He meets you right where you are at and he also prepared well for you through others. He loved you and knew you before you were born.

You did not call that person? Call that person.  You stole that money? Give it back.  You are 80 you wish you had....Stop and move in the way you can how you can. You can start at 8 at 90 play cards with the lonely, SMILE it matters. You end up feeling smiles back. You will know what it is you will feel the nudge. Move, act, write, hit, live...

John The Baptist Preaches
Matthew Chapter 3 verses 1 through 3.

NOW in those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," For this is the one referred to by Isaiah the prophet, saying, "The VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS, MAKE READY THE WAY OF THE LORD, MAKE HIS PATHS STRAIGHT!"

-Adriana Johnson

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